
Stephanie completed her BS and MS in Biology at Wake Forest University. Her master's thesis work focused on coral reef and seagrass ecology in Belize, where she lived and worked at Lighthouse Reef Atoll during the summer of 2018. Stephanie is an avid traveler and has also conducted field research and science communication activities in Argentina, Chile, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), British Columbia, Canada, and Moorea, French Polynesia, as well as locations across the United States.
Stephanie is a current PhD candidate at Georgia Tech, where she studies species interactions in both marine and freshwater environments. Her work at Georgia Tech also includes a variety of formal teaching and informal science communication and outreach activities in the community.
Stephanie enjoys scuba diving and sailing, as well as hiking, writing, and gaming in her free time.
You can email Stephanie at sbilodeau (@) gatech.edu.